Adaptive Math Program

Bridge the confidence and learning gap in mathematics

BlueStreak's evidence-based adaptive math fluency program leverages differentiation and proven strategies to double student test score growth in just 15 minutes/day.

astronaut parents ready to homeschool their kids with BlueStreak Math

Step 1: Assessment

Students take a baseline assessment in BlueStreak Math's digital platform to diagnose their current fluency level, from addition to division and whole numbers to fractions and decimals.

Step 2:

BlueStreak's online adaptive math program uses the baseline assessment results to provide differentiated learning cards and practice in a variety of single- and multiplayer educational game modes.

Step 3:
Growth Insights

Teachers and administrators receive in-depth insights on student usage and performance at the individual, classroom, school, and district level. The platform also uses data from student in-platform practice to provide recommendations for targeted, small group interventions.

Step 4:
Strategy Logs

BlueStreak Strategy Log workbooks provide turnkey lesson plans for teachers to support small group math instruction for students struggling with specific strategies. These lessons directly correspond to learning modules in the digital platform.

Research shows BlueStreak's adaptive math fluency program increases student achievement.

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Active Users

23K students are active using BlueStreak Math as a certified supplemental learning tool.


Improvement After 1 Level

Students who completed just one level of addition with BlueStreak had an average RIT score growth of 82% more than those who did not (8.2 vs. 4.5).


Growth Increase

BlueStreak's adaptive program encourages growth for both higher and lower performing students, with those in the 1-25 percentile experiencing average growth of more than 2x (4.5 to 9.8) and students in the 26-100 percentile experiencing 3x growth (2 to 6.1).

"Students are requesting to use BlueStreak Math! When students are asked to go into our other programs they ask if they can use BlueStreak instead."
Assistant Principal
"We love BlueStreak. One of the strengths of this program is that the classroom management is definitely low when the students are so engaged. No one is distracted, no one is off track, and they're all helping one another."
"When the teacher said we can move onto multiplayer now, I wasn't going to quit! I kept on going and going!"
5th Grade Student
"We use BlueStreak Math every day after lunch for 15 minutes. I’ve seen test scores increase a ton, and some kids’ scores almost double."
2nd grade teacher
The cool thing is it lets you play games while learning! I just maxed out on every level, and I'm SO happy!
5th Grade Student
"If you're looking for something that's easy to use and can get you some quick wins for kids who don't normally feel those quick wins, this is a great program to use."